COE/E Announces “Energy Day” in February to Drive Energy Sector Advancement Through Industry-Academia-Government Partnerships  

CAIRO, EGYPT, December 25, 2024 – During a press conference yesterday, the Center of Excellence for Energy (COE/E), funded by the American people through USAID and operated by Arizona State University in partnership with Egyptian partner institutions, Ain Shams University, Mansoura University, and Aswan University, announced it will host its first “Energy Day,” a cross-sector energy conference bringing together academic, industry, and government stakeholders in Cairo on February 2, 2025. In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and Egypt’s Vision 2030, “Energy Day” aims to generate collaborative insights into advancing Egypt’s energy ecosystem, highlight Center progress in strengthening Egyptian higher education to support energy sector modernization, and showcase innovative energy solutions developed by students and faculty with support from the Center.

The “Energy Day” conference will include two main sessions with the participation of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as Egyptian and Arab industry experts and academics who will share their experiences and engage in discussions about powering the energy transition, its challenges and opportunities, the role of technology and research centers in academic development, and the impact of academic energy research on industry advancement. Guest panelists represent public and private-sector organizations, including the Benban Solar Developers Association, TAQA Egypt, ACWA Power, and the New and Renewable Energy Authority.

Dr. Sayfe Kiaei, COE/E Project Director and Arizona State University Professor, stressed that “Energy Day” represents a strategic platform to highlight the efforts being made to support Egypt’s energy transition.

“The Center is dedicated to enhancing collaboration between academia, industry, and policymakers to help achieve Egypt’s ambitious target of generating 42% of its energy from renewable sources by 2035. Through our partnership with Egyptian universities and industry experts, we have implemented innovative research and development programs aimed at improving efficiency and sustainability in the energy sector,” he added.

Dahlia El-Tayeb, COE/E In-Country Director, also pointed out that the Center has worked with Egyptian universities to update their energy-related curricula, introducing new courses and modifying existing ones to meet Egypt’s industry needs. That is in addition to facilitating training and international exchange programs for students and faculty from Egyptian universities. “COE/E aims to contribute to the effectiveness of government policy-making processes to address energy sector challenges,” she stated.

Mostafa Marei, COE/E’s Technical Advisor and Ain Shams University Professor, highlighted the role of the Center and the upcoming “Energy Day,” which aims to emphasize the importance of collaboration between the government, private sector, and academia in advancing energy transition and renewable energy projects.

“COE/E’s primary goal is to build bridges between various stakeholders and foster dialogue that can lead to the practical implementation of research and innovations in the field,” he pointed out, adding that “Energy Day” will also serve as a platform to highlight the Center’s achievements in supporting Egypt’s economy through groundbreaking projects, such as improving energy efficiency technologies, harnessing solar power, and converting waste into renewable energy sources. “We believe that collaboration is the key to achieving national goals and strengthening Egypt’s global competitiveness in the energy sector,” he noted. He added that COE/E has allocated $4 million to fund joint binational energy research relevant to Egypt, invested $1 million in high-tech equipment to establish modern energy labs at its Egyptian partner universities, and is creating a state-of-the-art Technology Center to provide testing services and certification programs for Egypt’s energy industry, generating revenue to support COE/E’s long-term capacity-building efforts.

Ahmed Hossam, COE/E’s Industry and Partnership Manager and “Energy Day” Coordinator, also stated that Energy Day will be a unique opportunity to showcase innovations in renewable energy and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the sector. The event will feature panel discussions with government officials and representatives from private sectors, as well as academics and researchers from Egypt and Arabic Nations working on sustainable energy solutions, in addition to an Energy Innovation Expo that will feature demonstrations from students and faculty members to showcase their research projects in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems.

COE/E actively contributes to building local expertise and preparing a new generation of energy specialists through its support for academic research, training programs, and student exchange initiatives. In collaboration with Ain Shams University, Aswan University, and Mansoura University, the Center has successfully enhanced innovation and aligned higher education with the needs of local and international markets.

Read the full published articles:

Ahram Online

Al Gumhoria

Al Wafd

Al Masry Al Youm

Sada Al Balad

Egypt Petrol

Al Mal News

Al Fagr

Baladna Alyoum

Diplomat Today

Misr Alan

Nogoum Masreya

NL News Arabic

News Dot Khaleej

Canadian News

For more information on the center’s activities, visit the Center of Excellence for Energy.

The Center of Excellence for Energy is funded by USAID with the support of the American people with a goal to help Egypt reach its target of 42% renewable energy by 2035 and position the country as a regional leader in clean energy. The center is operated by Arizona State University in partnership with three Egyptian universities: Ain Shams, Mansoura, and Aswan.

The U.S. Agency for International Development administers the U.S. foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide.

This announcement is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Center of Excellence for Energy and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.


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