Ain Shams Leadership and Faculty

Center Leadership and Staff Ain Shams University Leadership and Faculty Dr. Rizk Hamouda Rizk Mohamed El-sayed Hamouda Prof. Electrical power and Machines Dept. Ain Shams University. Dr. Rizk, specialized field is electrical Machines, his Ph.D. degree was from the...
Innovative Teaching Methods Workshop

Innovative Teaching Methods Workshop

Hosted by the Center of Excellence for Energy, the Innovative Teaching Methods assessment and workshop was conducted by Dr. Ryan Milcarek, assistant professor at Arizona State University who incorporates hands-on activities, real-world problem solving, and peer-led...
Dreaming of an Energy Business to Make Change in the World

Dreaming of an Energy Business to Make Change in the World

Senior Ain Shams University mechanical power engineering student Mark Ashraf Wagih Iskandar Badeer dreams of starting his own business in renewable energy. He hopes to make change in the world and find more efficient ways to generate renewable energy. Mark had always...
Learning to Advance Sustainability in Egypt through Exchange

Learning to Advance Sustainability in Egypt through Exchange

Pictured above with one of her professors, Ain Shams University senior, Eliane Elias Gerges Elias, enjoyed her time as part of the Center of Excellence for Energy exchange program and learned so much. “I feel like I grew as a person from the whole experience,” she...